I've been quiet the last couple of weeks because I was hoping that Torchwood would improve and its with a heavy heart that I have to report that its completely lost the plot.
I'm not someone who is adverse to change, I like it and equally I find shows that retread the same set of tropes endlessly somewhat a chore to watch.
I've been reading a number of opinions out there on what's going on with Torchwood and the consensus is that it has lost it's charm somewhere along the flight across the atlantic.
Some people have suggested that Miracle Day started life as a 5 parter like Children of Earth it's true that the pace of the show feels like there's rather a lot of padding going on.
As far as the characters are concerned, Rex can go die-in-a-fire. Esther who was a little bit like Tosh 2.0 is so consistent at doing stupid things I'm about ready to pop a vein when I see her on the screen. Gwen and I have always had a difficult relationship, I didn't really like her, although she utterly redeemed herself for me in Children of Earth by being AWESOME. Miracle Day, she veers between almost likeable and bat poop crazy. I love Eve Myles and it is fantastic that we see a normal woman sized woman on the screen but by the cringe Gwen makes me want to stab my own eyes out.
And where the hell is Jack? For many people Jack is Torchwood and in Miracle Day he's around briefly and he's all out of character and not the Captain Jack we adore and love to see taking names and kicking ass.
It’s a mess, a big mess. I'm persisting with the show because its one I used to hold so dear and it makes me sad to see the show that I used to enjoy so much become so much of a chore.
True there were moments where I laughed out loud, but they weren't comedy moments, they were meant to be moments of drama which came across as the bat poop crazy variety.
One thing I've been talking to people about is how this show isn't Torchwood anymore, for episode seven I'm going to try watching it as though its called something else, maybe I'll be able to enjoy it then?
So I'm sticking with it out of sheer bloodimindedness.
Wish me luck.
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