One of my favourite cartoons on tv when I was growing up was Thundercats. To my unsophisticated six year old self it was truly ace, a corking theme tune, memorable characters and good stories, I can't say for sure whether the stories were as ace as I remembered them, I've not seen them since the late 80s but they did stick with me and yes, from time to time I do say Snarf snarf in the voice, just because I can. I had a crush on Cheetarah, and I adored Wiley Kit and Kat. We almost certainly played thundercats in the school playground.
I found out from various sources over the weekend that Thundercats was being remade. My initial reaction best summed up as (OMGWTFBBQ?) and then when the opportunity presented itself to stream said episode (rather later than it should have been last night) I clicked the link and watched. To be fair I only intended on watching the first five minutes, but you know what? I really enjoyed it and instead of just watching one episode I ended up watching the whole two-parter.
Now the remake is not exactly the same as the old Thundercats, the characters have been redesigned. They are all in a manga/amime style which I love and they seem to have been reimagined but in the good BSG way rather than the bad (insert your own example of a bad remake here) and what they've come up with is a really engaging cartoon, that held my interest for forty five minutes because it was a good story even if a lot of the animation looked a bit cheap.
Now, it could be down to my curiosity to see how the characters had changed, in the redesign, Snarf, is still Snarf but doesn't speak (which is good but I miss the snarf snarfs.) Cheetarah, still hot fwiw and wiley kit and Kat still rock. I don't want to get into too much about the plot of which there is lots, even if they do pay homage to the Trojan horse.
I felt it was a good, there was humour and there were epic battles. Yes there is still Slythe and Mum-Rah so its not all that different and I think I'll be tracking down more of this cartoon just because it was actually that enjoyable.
Unexpected blasts from the pasts updated for the new millennium ftw.
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