Sunday, 5 February 2012


Well it's Sunday and we're home from the SFXweekender. It was epic.

There were  some problems, firstly the derailment which stopped people like Stephan Mangan, Anthony Head, didn't make it.  The queues for Autographs were beyond insane. So I missed my chance to meet my hero Brian Blessed and Sylvester McCoy and my chap missed out on getting Hattie Hayridge's autograph.  I did however, get to meet Eve Myles who I now have a bit of a girl crush on and I love the fact that she was drinking pints of wine.

So despite the hiccups most of which were unavoidable we did have the best time.  Now because we won the tickets we didn't have accommodation on site but being based in North Wales we were less than an hour to travel each day. We've remedied that for next year, we've already booked VIP tickets ;)

So Panels and shiz... I went to what become the Sylvester McCoy panel, (Sophie Alred had got stuck in the rail bru ha ha).  Sylvester McCoy decided to do the Q & A from in the middle of the audience.

Next off we went to Dan and Tony's Audience Participation Comic Creating work shop of awesome. It was Very silly and lots of fun.  Then to Paul Cornell's Just a minute with Joe Abercrombie, China Miéville, Sarah Pinborough and Toby Whithouse.  Much silliness followed.

Afterwards a how to get published panel and then the Blastermind quiz with our friends. During the Friday day I stopped by Sam Stone's stand, she's an author I met at Wrexham Comic Con and we've kept meeting at cons.  She introduced me to her friend and fellow author Raven Dane who was lovely and I may have bought her new Steam Punk novel: Cyrius Darian and the Technomonicon.  We saw some of the imaginarium but by this stage I'd been up 18 hours and could barely stand so we headed home.

Saturday we were back at Prestatyn by 9.40 am owch.  First port of call was Toby Whithouse Q and A for Being Human. ZOMG SPOILERS!!!! I know what's going to happen tonight and I can't tell you anything but the scenes were intense so my friends you need to watch Being Human tonight.

We stuck around for Eve Myles who was fantastic and Welsh and mad-eyed and lovely. Tales of John Barrowman's cock and all.  She came across brilliantly and I for one will be taking the baton up for the campaign to only drink wine in pints from now on.  She spoke passionately about Torchwood and Wales and Gwen Cooper and when she was talking about her beach and about Cardiff I may have got something in my eye.

She spent a lot of time with her head in her hands when talking about Barrowman's cock, just saying.

After that we attempted to get autographs and that didn't really work out so well the Queue for Brian Blessed was more than insane, I resigned self to the fact that it wasn't going to happen and due to Phil being eagle eared, he managed to get early in the queue for Eve Myles so I joined him.

After this there was Flash fiction, a good panel and funny, Unicorn sandwiches has taken on a new significance for me.

My boy went shopping while I went to the Brian Blessed Q and A for me the event of the weekend. Brian Blessed is by turns, hilarious, filthy, awesome, insane and wondrous and he held an over capacity crowd in the palm of his hand. There were moments of Gordon's alive, a tarzan yodel and opera. He's an incredible speaker his parting message was you can do anything you like if you don't let the bastards grind you down.

I then went shopping whilst my chap listened to people talk about maps in fantasy fiction, I stayed for a bit but really, it wasn't my bag.  I got a nommy massage, went and met Robert Rankin but couldn't pluck up the courage to speak properly, I iz an idiot noob sometimes.

We watched Norman Lovett and Hayridge's stand up which just about finished me off.  I didn't make it to the sing a long a buffy which made me so sad it's untrue but I was broken and not about to break self further.

I left the event feeling inspired and in awe at a really good weekend, it's given me quite the hunger to be geekier and to read more and to experience more and to write so much more. I left a little bit of my heart in Prestatyn, it was an amazing convention.

Any regrets, not meeting Paul Cornell and flaking out on Saturday but I'll be back next year and I'll have cobbled together a costume.

The good photos in this Blog post are all down to my boyfriend, the shoddy photos are all mine, save the Sylvester McCoy one ;)

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