Tuesday, 26 April 2011


I'm in telly heaven at the moment.

Let me squee at you.

Doctor Who returned with one hell of a bang on Saturday night and I've watched it twice so far and I may have to watch it again to try and make sense of it.

I geeked off the scale with this episode and had to hug a cushion in the first few minutes and there was some shouting at the TV.

I squeed loudly because Mark Sheppard in this episode really made me smile. Secondly my heart breaks for River Song, she's kind of tragic and we already know how she ends but what we don’t know is how she begins. 

Favourite line: " The legs, the nose and Mrs Robinson."

"I hate you."

The monsters are frightening and the complicatedness of wibblywobblytimeywimey means that I had a theory about the astronaut but then who is the little girl and no Amy no!

What does all of that mean? I'm not sure. I was pretty shell shocked and next week looks like hell in a hand basket.


Apologies for the multiple exclamation marks but dear me I can't take much more tension. I wanted the next episode immediately.

The other thing in my life is so shiny and new I couldn't quite believe it.

Game of Thrones.

Is epic on a level I'm not sure I can comprehend yet. I have so much love for the house of Stark already. Ned is epic all northern and stoic with a huge brood including an illegitimate son who seems rather interesting. I'm rubbish with names so we have Boromir/Sean Bean/Ned head of the family and so far we see he's just and upright and noble. The elder sons are all interchangeable at the moment. The son from the wrong side of the bed sheets I believe is called Jon and there is youngish son Bran - you can't miss what happens to him in the first episode and elder daughter and girlie girl and younger daughter Ayra(?) who is rather good with a sword and a girl after my own heart.  I'm still pining for my own dire wolf.  There's the king his second wife the queen and her brothers one is good looking and apparently evol and has quite a thing for his own sister. There is the dwarf brother who gets all the best lines. They are all Lannisters

Across the water are the creepy blonde siblings. I love them rather a lot because clearly bonkers in another dodgy brother sister relationship.  There are also horse people who are very klingony in culture and my my their leader is rather fine.

This show is going to own my soul because guh men in chainmail and violence and intrigue and rawr.

Jason Momoa = hawtness personified as far as this fangirl is concerned

as you were people :)

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