Sunday, 22 August 2010

The Con Approcahes

I've not had a whole lot to say on the subject of TV for a little while and I think it's down to being preoccupied with preparation for Dragon*Con.

At the time of writing this there are nine days to go until I fly out and I've already got things mainly packed.  I know what I'm wearing to fly and I've gathered together my essentials for any trip books, ipod and some sweeties.

It's going to be interesting as I've only met two of the girls I'm going with before. I've interacted with everyone else online via twitter or livejournal or other places. I'm also going to find it tough because I'm a person who likes solo time, where I don't have to be 'up' and 'on'. I can manage a couple of days like this but then I start to find it wearing. I know the girls are cool people but I still get the old churny gut about meeting people for the first time.

I've been looking at the various tracks trying to plan my con, where I want to go, who I want to see. I read something about morning walks in Atlanta with a group from the con and that sounds like it could be fun.

I'm also being wracked with doubts about things, a week is a long time to be away from my chap, he is my rock and understands me better than anyone. However I'm balancing this with the fact I'm going to meet some of my heroes from the TV that I watch and meet some cool new people.

Wish me luck.


  1. I think you're being incredbly brave but I didn't want to say anything because I assumed this wasn't a big deal for you! I couldn't do it. I just couldn't and it's definitely something I'd love to do.
    Do you have a hotel room you can hide in? I've heard tell that at other cons there are 'quiet' rooms sometimes where talking is banned and people can just go read a book or something for a bit?

  2. I have daily moments when I think why the hell am I travelling so far away on my own. Of course I won't be on my own once I get there, but that much time with friends can be tough.

    I know myself well enough I think to know when I need a break and am taking books and things in order to give myself time out.

    I've been planning this trip all year and I'm going to meet the Admiral of the frakking fleet. All will be well if I will it so, right?
