Saturday, 21 May 2011

Dead Reckoning - a point of view

Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris       

Is the eleventh (!) book in the southern vampire mysteries.  It still revolves around Sookie Stackhouse and whereas the earlier books really engaged me to the point of obsession. Dead in the Family and Dead Reckoning both have left me somewhat cold.

I was mulling the reasons over and I came up with this conclusion: there is no mystery in these two novels. It's all character but and a lot of questions answered but really no major questions set up and no central mystery. I still liked the characters and I still wanted to find out what happened, but the urgency just wasn't there like it was in the earlier novels.

I still love Eric though, so that's all right with the world.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Badass witches and Viking vampires

Writiing is kind of hard for me to do at the moment, energy is no where but there are some diversions in the form of the books I've been reading. Oh dear I've been a bit remiss at reviewing what I've read but things have come into alignment for the first time in an age and so I'll bring you up to speed on where I've been escaping to.
To be honest reading lost momentum, doing a show does that to you. So it took far longer than it should to complete Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. Which was a shame as it's a corking read,  even if it is somewhat at odds with it's cover.  The tone of the cover is that the witch concerned is a complete badass which would be totally fine, but the novel is pitched in a softer way.  Rachel can be all butt kick but there's also a lot of worrying and no small amount of stupid decisions.
the novels are good fun though and the second has enough twists and turns to keep me guessing, I'm always wring in whodunits and there are genuine surprises in the novels.
I like the universe that's been created, I love then idea that vamps wws witches and other mythical creatures had to 'come out' after a genetic accident wiped out half the human population some really awesome ideas IMO.
I am also looking forward to resuming the series once I've finished my next book. This is the first book I've bought in about 12 months. I know right? However, I have special dispensation to buy books which are really important to me.  At the top of this list is Terry Pratchett novels and then if JK Rowling decides to publish ever again I'll probably be there and then there are the books which got me into the urban fantasy genre themselves. The southern vampire mysteries.  My friend gave me the first 6 which I inhaled in about a fortnight then ordered then next two from amazon second hand and then bought the following two brand new, in hardback for the final one.
This one Dead Reckoning I actually preordered and had delivered to my little home.
I am currently one chapter deep and I have really missed fictional Eric. I love vikings.