Saturday, 29 January 2011


This week we had our first look at Jamie Bamber in Outcasts.

My thoughts, wow, this is a bit of a departure for Mr Bamber, Mitchell seems to be one hell of a bad ass. Much more so that Apollo ever was, not so scrappy doo as Matt Devlin.  I can't wait to see the show and find out.

Theatre: The Last 5 Years

Tonight we went to see Starshowcase's production of The Last 5 Years at theatre severn in Shrewsbury.

The staging was simple, a composite set with different areas for different scenes.  This worked really well until the midway point when they flew in an outdoorsy scene which looked as though it was borrowed from a panto.  It just jarred with the rest of the setting which was very simplistic.

Jamie was played by Chris Jenkins and he was very convincing as the talented young writer travelling forward through the relationship. I loved his voice and the seemingly boundless energy that he brought to the role.  Cathy was played by Kirsty Francis, she too had a striking voice and she was great at the emotional elements to the role as well as having a cheeky look which was totally endearing.

The dynamic of the musical is that it is the story of a relationship with Jamie travelling through the relationship from start to finish and Cathy starts at the end and travels backwards. 

So apart from a couple of teeny tiny blips this was a great production. My major complaint was as the people of Shropshire who did not turn out to see what is a fab piece of contemporary musical theatre the auditorium was depressingly empty. We took my parents who definitely enjoyed it though they were surprised at the lack of an interval.

If you get the chance go see it.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Book: American Gods, Neil Gaiman

This book is epic, in all senses of the word.

Epic in scope, in length as a journeyman tale and the fact it features certain Norse deities.

It was a satisfying read, there were patterns which weave and present themselves in such ways which are so clever and you get to feel quite clever when you've worked them out. Well you do if you're me.

My main reservation is that I was quite underwhelmed by the novel.  I wonder that it is a tad overhyped.  It is beautifully written, but I didn't get sucked in, I couldn't quite believe and that made me sad because of all the books I want to believe in I wanted it to be this one.

Maybe I missed something, but I found it lacked something.

It's also long and on occasion there is a long long way between chapters which doesn't complement my style of reading. I still think its a good book, it just didn't get me burning up with the degree of enthusiasm I thought it would.

My next book is Richelle Mead's Succubus Blues

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Occasionally I can be a little shallow

A young Jamie Bamber as Prince Hal in Henry IV.

I love a man in armour, seriously.

Normal service to be resumed soon.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Monday, 17 January 2011

TV anticipation

Is it me or are the new Year's tv schedules taking their sweet time into getting going?

I am excited for the return of the third series of Being Human, it is one of my favourite shows and I really love the britishness of the show and the way that the characters interact.

Secondly I'm really excited for the new BBC sci fi show Outcasts.  I've got high hopes for this, it could be a uk vision of the future.  I don't think it's going to be as epic as BSG, hell I don't think it'll make it to the epicness of Bab5 but its british and its sci fi and it has Jamie Bamber in it so I'm going to be watching.

Of course series 6 of new who is coming up at easter and that in itself is a huge event.  I predict good things. An episode penned by Neil Gaiman, questions asked in series 5 to be answered and moar River Song. What could be finer than that?

Film: The King's Speech

My thoughts on the King's speech.

Well it's a great film and it all about Colin Firth's performance. Thinking about the film in terms of a technical performance, I'm blown away by Colin Firth because I have no idea how he achieved that stammer so convincingly.  I read an interview he gave which explains just how the stammering affected him.

Geoffry Rush was fantastic as Lionel a perfect foil for Bertie. the dynamic between them really made the film. Lionel was always trying to get to the bottom of why Bertie stammered and how Bertie struggled to get to the point where he was able to make a speech and manage the stammer.  One thing that really struck me was how frustrating and debilitating a stammer can be. And how amusing it was to hear Colin Firth let rip with a stream of expletives.

I really liked Helena Bonham Carter as the person who became the Queen Mother and it was strange to see her without shed loads of make up or CGI and she painted a very likable character.

Also props to Jennifer Ehle turning up and being awesome as Lionel's wife and looking pretty good. I know it seems like an age since I last saw her in anything.

The film was full of worthy british actors like Michael Gambon, Derek Jacobi, Timothy Spall as Winston Churchill (which made me and my chap chuckle) Also Ramona Marquez from Outnumbered as Princess Margaret.  Ooh and Guy Pearce - aka Mike from neighbours.

Its a fantastic film and well made, definitely an enjoyable evening.

A mini squee, Jennifer Ehle tweeted me. :D

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


My Blokey and I have been debating recently about upgrading to a flatscreen HD telly and last weekend we decided to make a go of it.  We ordered a Toshiba from Amazon and a Phillips Blu Ray player and they both arrived today.

I am currently testing the system by watching Doctor Who Series 5 and earlier casino Royale.

Me likey, me likey a lot.

Just think, come easter When Who returns for a sixth series, I'll be able to watch in HD and swoon.  The other thing I'm  squeeful about is the fact my charm bracelet has been a little lonely, mainly because I only had two charms, The TARDIS that work got me and the stopwatch that my blokey got me.  In the sale I bought a pistol charm and a little red converse boot just like what the tenth doctor used to wear :D

Law and Order UK

Americans are really enjoying Law & Order UK.  So much so BBC America has put this trailer together.

It made me squee.

That's all you need to know.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Book: Men of the Otherworld

Another book, I know, no actual TV this year, I promise I'll get to the TV soon enough it is just that my brains are being eaten by fiction and I'm really enjoying this fact.

Now in the run up to christmas last year I was reading a lot of Kelley Armstrong, I read the first eight in the women of the otherworld series and as I read I realised that there was a short story collection, Men of the Otherworld which I really had to read.

It's not really a collection of short stories more a sequence of episodes which deal with Jeremy's early life, and Clayton's story.  It is a lot shorter than her novels and it really is more about the pack history than anything else.  I really enjoyed it.  Jeremy is one of those characters you wish you were more like, or that you wish you knew someone like that.  Clayton isn't, but its a great deal of background knowledge that only get's hinted at in the novels and its great to see what happened to the pack prior to Elena and tie some ends together.  Questions are also answered about Jeremy and it does so in a neat short story.

Not really a book for someone looking to start reading a series, I'd send you to the beginning and get you to read Bitten and Stolen.  I think it is a book for the fan and its none the worse for that.

Next on the reading list is the expanded and full version of American Gods by Neil Gaiman.  I adore Neil Gaiman, I've read a lot of his novels over the years and this is one that has eluded me a little bit.  I cannot wait to read this because Neil Gaiman writes so effortlessly and so beautifully it makes me want to cry beecause I'll never handle words as well as he can.

I'll be back to let you know how I got on.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

A lick of frost

And I'm sad at finishing this book mainly because I don't get to know what happens next because I don't have the next book yet. I have a self imposed book buying ban because I have about fifty unread books from last year that were given to me in a sort out.

Lick of Frost is like the rest of a the series a bit of a romp.  Though this one has a more vicious twist than some of the others. Again enjoyable, sexy and addictive to read.  I'm not sure what else I have to say on this because I'd feel like I'm repeating myself.

Merry is for the most part an engaging protagonist, she's fiesty and she kicks ass. I like her men too, of course Doyle is my favourite, he always has been.

My next read is a collection of short stories by Kelley Armstrong Men of the Otherworld.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Well This could be considered a little embarassing

I started reading Laurell K Hamilton's Mistral's Kiss at some ungodly hour this morning because my stomach was whinging at me and not letting me sleep. I have occasional bouts of stomach trouble and I don't want to put you off so we'll leave it there. Suffice to say I was awake and grumpy.

I had finished the book I blogged earlier and made a start on this one.  Again enjoyable, as all the Merry Gentry books seem to be, this one was a good hundred pages shorter than the last one and I kind of just absorbed it.  The plot is that Merry is still trying to get with faerie baby and alongside that she beds her guards and fights those who would wish her harm.  There are many people who would wish her harm.  There are also random bursts of symbolic wild magic which make for interesting plot developments.  I'm not sure I'm doing a good job of selling the book here but it is good fun.

Also being part of very much an ongoing series its hard to discuss plot points because they refer to the other books and in my fragile state of mind I start to get confused.

The next one A lick of Frost will be started later and I'll see how I get on.

I will be posting about TV at some point, its just there seems to be a fallow patch for viewers such as me at the moment.  Am chomping at the bit for Outcasts though.

First book of the year

First let me explain:  I have started setting myself challenges to read, I had badly gotten out of the habit of reading books.  Reading webistes sure but committing myself to the pleasure of a novel was something I just put off for something more immediate.  I took a stand against myself last year when I challenged myself to read a book a fortnight in 2010.  When I reached the target of 26 books by June I kept going and by 31st Decemember 2010 I had read 49 books and was reading my 50th.

This year I aim to improve the number of books I'm reading by reading one a week.  Not too much of a stretch when I'm rattling through them.  I'm also going to be better at recording exactly what I've read and when. My reading record  has two tabs one for 2010 and one for 2011 there are a couple of differences between the two.  2011 has date information and so I'll be able to see who I'm reading quicker and I might even get statistical on your ass at some point.

I've already finished one book, and this is book zero on the list, I started it at some point in the christmas break and I'm not exactly sure when, I'm guessing boxing day.  The book was the fourth in Laurell K Hamilton's Merry Gentry series A stroke of midnight.  I have been reading the series in order and have found them to be both sexy and entertaining.  Sometimes the pacing can be a little off and sometimes some of the characters are infuriating with their reactions to things but the good more than outweighs the bad.

If you are interested the series starts with a Kiss of Shadows and goes on from there, I have been devouring them like a rabid fangirl devouring fic.  The sex within the novels are a little on the kinky side and might be a bit much for those who really don't like the idea of pain.  But they are good fun and if I don't like a book I don't pick them up and with these books I really can't put them down.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

You know you're a geek when...

You get a print like this for christmas.

The picture is by Jane Ormes and its epic :D


All my friends know I'm such a frakking who Geek

Happy New Year

Well Hello there people.  I hope you had a great festive season and a happy and safe new year.

My plans for the  year ahead is to write more. So I'm hoping to be a tad more prolific than I've managed to be last year.

One of my promises is to write more and to write better so that's what I'll do here and in other places.

I'm going to write up a small review to every book I read which I think will be one way to write more and hopefully do something you find interesting to read.  Of course I'll still be writing about TV and Theatre and films so I'm branching out a little.

Happy 2011